sábado, 16 de febrero de 2008

I miss...

When one happens for these things, tends to remember the past… and is here when the famous phrase “All last time was better” receives sense, but I always have been in opposition to this phrase, and in spite of the fact that probably at this moment it is true I want to think that hereinafter they come time even better.

I remember... before when we were together and...I was feeling fine, really, really fine, I loved stay with you but now, everything change, I don’t know what happend but now I don’t like and I don’t want stay around you and I can’t avoit it.

I hate this looks, this silents, I know that whole world know what I’m talking about, and is not precisely ‘cause I told they, I hate that too!... What? Really do you think I’m fool? Wherever, maybe one time I think give you a chance but... forget it

Maybe... after everything I’m a “Broken-hearts”... but now, nothig care...

I miss when we are friends



3 comentarios:

Pame dijo...

Entendi todo todo (8)
Definitivamente, io no pienso lo mismo... [sobre "Break-hearts"] pero como tú dijiste, no importa lo que digan (H)
Es una decisión que solo tú tienes derecho a tomar y el resto no tiene nada que opinar [el resto ni siquiera debería saber D:]
Bueno... tú sabes que io te apoyo, hagas lo que hagas ^^
Te quiero! *-*

Rodrigo.- dijo...

esto va a ser muy corto...

MATATE!!!!!!! >.< me gusta mas el español shileno en lo posible ^^


Toou dijo...


La verdad no se que decir! Entendí bastante bien todo....no se si di en el clavo en cuanto al tema, pero bueno.

Tan solo...

Uff sinceramente nos e que decir, me quedé en blanco.
